Thanks to a fan -- The NY Times - June 14 1935:

Story of the Match Blow by Blow By JOSEPH C. NICHOLS.

Max Baer scaled 209 1/2 pounds and James J. Braddock 191 3/4 for the fight at the Madison Square Garden Bowl last night.

The referee was Johnny McAvoy, The judges were Charley Lynch and George Kelly. The detailed description of the bout follows:

First Round.

Braddock sent a light left to the head and right to the body. Baer missed a short right uppercut to the chin. Each was wild with a long left for the head, Baer landed a left hook to Braddock's body and Braddock a long right to the jaw.

Baer hooked a left to the body and sent a left and right to the head. Braddock sent two light lefts to the head. Braddock droves straight left to the head and a short right to the ribs. Baer was short with a left to the head,

Second Round.

Braddock stuck a long left into Baer's face, then missed a long right to the head and the champion smiled at him. Baer ripped a hard right to the body and Braddock Bent three straight rights to the face. Braddock ripped a right uppercut to the champ's chin at close quarters.

Baer sent a left and right to the head. Braddock shot two straight lefts to the head. The challenger landed two crushing rights to the jaw. Baer missed a left for the head and pretended to rush at Braddock, who stood unmoved. Baer ripped a right and left to the body, plainly hurting the challenger.

Third Round.

Braddock sent two lefts to the face. The champion threw a right to the body and took a left and right to the head. Baer missed a right to the head but drove a left to the mid-section. Braddock flecked Baer's face with two long lefts and was high with a right swing for the head.

Baer got past Braddock's long left and pounded the midsection with both hands. Baer blocked Braddock's hard right and left to the head. Braddock drove Max's head back with a hard right to the jaw. Baer landed a left to the temple, but Braddock shot back a long right and left to the head.

Fourth Round.

They traded long lefts to the face. Braddock hooked a long left to the head. Braddock jabbed two long lefts to the head. At close quarters Baer wrestled almost to the floor and was booed. The referee warned the champion, who apologized to his opponent, and by gesture, to the crowd.

Baer smashed a hard right to Braddock's jaw. Jimmy closed in but took two light uppercuts to the body. Braddock sent Baer's head back with a long left. The champion was short with a right to the head. Baer grazed Braddock's jaw with a long right just before the round ended.

Fifth Round.

Braddock was short with a left to the head. Baer sent a light tap to the jaw. Max hit with a back-hand right and the referee lifted a warning finger. Braddock shot a right to the jaw.

They traded long lefts to the head straight left to the head before Braddock hooked a hard left to the jaw. Baer used another backhand and then shot several rights that missed. Braddock shot two hard rights to the jaw. Baer grazed the jaw with a long right. Baer lost the round officially because of his backhand blows.

Sixth Round.

Baer rushed Braddock and tended a left to the body and a right to the chin. Braddock landed a light left to the face and Baer returned a short right uppercut to the jaw. Braddock landed a sharp right to the jaw and Baer's knees sagged. Braddock landed three lefts to the face.

Braddock drove a right uppercut to the chin and a left hook to the midsection. Braddock stuck a right into Baer's face and they traded punch for punch in midring. Braddock stuck a left to the face and hurt Baer's right eye.

Seventh Round.

Baer rushed Braddock but landed only a light left to the body. Braddock sent a left and right to the jaw. Braddock rushed Baer to the ropes but took a right to the body. Baer sent Braddock's head back with a terrific right to the jaw. Baer looped a long right to the head, but took a right to the jaw in return.

Braddock put all that he had into a right that landed on Baer's jaw, but the champion laughed. Jimmy was high with a right to the head. On the ropes Baer landed a number of rights to the jaw.

Eighth Round.

Baer landed a right to the head and another to the jaw. Braddock missed a right to the jaw and Baer pretended he was hurt by the blow.

Braddock poked two lefts to the face. Braddock hooked a left to the jaw and a right to the cheek. Baer was high with a right to the head. Braddock pumped two rights to the face. At close quarters Baer ripped several lefts and rights to the body.

Ninth Round.

Baer hooked a light left to the body. The champion crouched and sent two more lefts to the midsection. Baer landed a left that went low and he was warned by the referee, Braddock landed a left and right to the head. At close quarters the champion sent both hands to the jaw.

Braddock sent a right to the jaw. He followed with a left and right to the jaw. Baer ripped a left to the jaw and took a left and right to the jaw in return. Braddock lande two long lefts to the head, but Baer drove two rights to the body. Because of the low blow it was Braddock's round officially.

Tenth Round.

Baer sent a left and right to the head. Braddock jabbed three light lefts to the head. Braddock was high with a right to the head. Braddock dug a left and right to the midsection. Baer threw a fast left to the head, Max missed a right for the jaw.

Braddock sent a long left to the body and then held. Each landed a left to the jaw breaking from a clinch. Braddock landed a left and right to the body. Braddock stuck a left to the head but took a right to the body in close quarters.

Eleventh Round.

Braddock sent two light lefts to the head. Baer ripped a hard right to the cheek and followed with a right to the body. Baer dug his right into the midsection and Braddock missed a right to the head. Braddock hooked three lefts to the jaw. Baer sent his left and right to the body.

He landed a long right to the head but Braddock returned a left to the face. The challenger drove a left to the jaw and the champion shot back a right to the body. Braddock landed a backhand left to the face and Baer laughingly warned him. Baer drove two heavy rights to the body before the bell.

Twelfth Round.

They swapped left hooks to the body. Braddock shook Baer with a left and right to the jaw. Braddock drove a right to the jaw and Max returned both hands to the body. Braddock landed several lefts and rights to the chin.

Braddock drove a left and right to the jaw. Braddock hooked his left to the jaw and shot a right to the body. They traded both hands to the head and body, with the challenger having the advantage. Braddock landed two lefts and a right to the jaw. They kept fighting for a few seconds after the bell

Thirteenth Round.

Baer shot a right uppercut to the jaw. Braddock sent two lefts to the head. Braddoc drove a right to the jaw, but took a right to the jaw in return. Braddock was short with a left and right to the head, Baer hooked a left to the head. Braddock sent his right to the midsection and then held. Braddock drove a right to the heart, but took a left and right on the chin. Braddock jabbed a left to the face.

Braddock jabbed again to the face. Baer ripped both hands to the body. The champion missed one right to the head but landed another that shook Braddock. Braddock jabbed Baer with a long left. Braddock hooked a left to the jaw and Baer sent both hands to the body.

Fourteenth Round.

They exchanged long lefts to the head. Baer shot a right to the jaw and another to the heart. Braddock hooked a left to the jaw. Braddock sent a straight left to the head, but missed a right to the jaw. Baer drove a right to the body and another to the jaw. Max drubbed Braddock's side with his right forearm.

Braddock was short with a right to the jaw. Baer landed several short rights to the chin 'at close quarters. Baer dug a hard right to the body and sent a sharp left hook to the chin.

Fifteenth Round.

They shook hands. Braddock sent a left to the body, then held. Baer rushed his opponent and hooked a left to the jaw. Braddock drove a right to the jaw. Baer shot a number of rights to the body and Braddock held. Braddock drove his right to the body, but took a stream of lefts and rights to the midsection.

They stood head to head in mid-ring and exchanged body punches but few of the blows carried any force. Braddock took a right to the body and another right to the chin. Braddock landed a right to the jaw and head as the fight ended. The decision in Braddock's favor was unanimous.

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