
Maxim DeWinter

 "You thought I loved Rebecca? You thought that? I hated her. Oh, I was carried away by her - enchanted by her, as everyone was - and when I was married, I was told I was the luckiest man in the world. She was so lovely, so accomplished, so amusing. 'She's got the three things that really matter in a wife,' everyone said, 'breeding, brains and beauty.' And I believed them completely. But I never had a moment's happiness with her. She was incapable of love, or tenderness, or decency."


Please don't call me Mr. de Winter. I've a very impressive array of first names, George Fortescu Maximilian, but you needn't bother with them all at once. My family called me Maxim. And another thing, please promise me never to wear black satin or pearls, or to be thirty-six years old.





From "On Acting, " Olivier's words...
"The story goes that David Selznick was reading Daphne Du Maurier's Rebecca in bed.
When the descriptoon of Max DeWinter's face came along -- 'Arresting, sensitive and mediaeval in some
strange, inexplicable way...' -- he wrote my name in the margin."

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