News Bits from Toronto

From Linda:

This is an article appears in the Toronto Star (Wed. April 7th, 2004) on the opposite page of Russell and Danielle's picture regarding his Birthday and their 1st Anniversay.

Its called Up in Smoke (Here's the full article)(Sorry no scanner to send the pics)

Oscar-winning English playwright Ronald Harwood has backed out of a promise to direct a play at the Manitoba Theatre Centre next winter because he wouldn't be able to smoke. Winnipeg has a smoking ban in public places. Harwood said said trips to New York and here to Toronto, where smoking is also restricted, have curbed his enthusiasm for those cities too. "The reason for going back on my word is that I am a cigarette smoker," he said via e-mail. "I have recently visited Canada and had to suffer the most draconian anti-smoking regulations in restaurants and public buildings. I had no intention of allowing myself to be forced out into the street in winter to partake of one of my great pleasures."

Let's hope for the sake of Winninpeg's burgeoning cultural life that these other celebs wouldn't mind nipping out into minus 40 for a puff.

Pictures from left to right with captions are:

Charlize Theron: Going for that Monstrous serial killer elegance.
Sylvester Stallone: "Cigar nice. Grr."
Nicholas Campbell: Da Vinci's Inquest determines smoking is good for you.
Johnny Depp: We'd like to put him in our pipe and smoke him.
Mel Gibson: What would Jesus do? Turn a pack of Marlboroughs into 40 cartons.
This Guy: Just try to make him butt out. We dare you. Go on.

and Russell Crowe: "Over here, matey. Take your bylaw and beep-beep......."

The picture of Russell is one of him in Toronto where he is profiled looking to the left wearing a leafs touque and blue jacket with a cigarette in his right hand putting it to his lips.

It's hard to recognize him as he isn't really looking at the camera, unless you saw the photos of him in the blue jacket earlier or read the caption with his name on it.

Anyway just thought that all you Crowe fans would like to know what happening with Russell in T.O.

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